smoki maxi grill

Maxi Grill 400 with outdoor protection panel

“Pollo and Friends” , delicious takeaway roasted chickens cooked on wood fired roasters, has just opened a new sales point in Novara, Shopping Center San Martino. Once again, the owners have chosen the experience of Smoki to filter soot and grease coming from their wood fired roasters. Thank you “Pollo and Friends”! See the installation of our Maxi Grill 400 with outdoor protection panel. Project

Eataly chooses Smoki

The famous chain Eataly owned by Oscar Farinetti is continuously choosing Smoki and we take action promptly! Here we are in a new Eataly point of sale in Rome: we have installed a Maxi Grill 500 soot abatement system with extractor and control panels with inverter in the Carne Section.

Pizza Gourmet Cescot course

At Smoki, we love developing partnerships and joint projects with the excellences of several fields. We are currently working with CESCOT to organize a pizza gourmet course. Our soot abatement systems have a proven record track. Go Smoki Go!

Maxi 300 Special Edition

New pizzeria In Favaro Veneto, Venice, for the chain PIZZALONGA . A new Smoki installation, performed by Francesco Morandin, from Tecnoclimat, Treviso, one of our best installers and collaborators in Italy. The machine is a customized version of our Maxi 300. Smoki is always ready and available to customized products to meet all our customers’ needs. Go to the Gallery

Fermata Est Rimini

Smoki Soot abatement system Junior Fermata Est is a new trendy restaurant in Rimini, very close to the historical center. A new catering concept , where one can stop for a drink or a good pizza – leavened for a long time and cooked with finest quality ingredients, as it should be. And such a place could only choose a partner who are equally dedicated to quality. We are proud and happy to be part of this project with our Smoki Junior soot abatement

smoki usa

Smoki in the States

On the Road to the States A business trip to The Big Apple is always an amazing experience, and this last visit to Smoki USA was no exception. ….Days filled with meetings and on-site inspections in fantastic Restaurants and Pizzerias. The training day carried out with our enthusiastic team at the Smoki US office was a nice moment, where work and celebration came together to create a very nice and constructive atmosphere. Smoki USA is a consolidated and growing reality on the American soil…