Certified quality for sales in Europe, Canada and the USA. (authorization nr. MH60726).

Smoki manufactures equipment used in the industrial and catering fields, with no limit to power and size, always in compliance with current regulations. 

We specialize in flues, extraction systems, air handling and the production and installation of soot and grease abatement systems.

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Un lavoro impegnativo presso il ristorante "Ristò" del Centro Commerciale "Leone" a Lonato del Garda (BS), eseguendo il montaggio di una unità di reintegro aria con aspiratore cassonato e canne fumarie diam 150, 250 e 300 mm a servizio delle cappe da cucina. We have just finished a challenging work at the Restaurant "Ristò" of the Shopping Center "Leone", in Lonato del Garda, Garda lake. The installation includes an air reintegration system + centrifugal double inlet fan and stainless steel ducts diam. 150, 250, 300 for kitchen hoods.

Restaurant "Ristò", Shopping Center "Leone" Lonato del Garda (BS)